Our Medical Billing Services Will Improve Your Cash Flow!  Established in 2001, Medclaims Billing Services is a high-tech medical billing services company with around 20 years of experience in the Health Care, Business Consulting and Information Technology industries. With clients over a wide geographical area, Medclaims is a professional billing services organization committed to exceed our clients’ insurance and patient billing requirements. Offering a diverse medical billing services portfolio, we will meet the  medical billing requirements of any practice, regardless of specialty or size.

Medclaims is always current with industry changes. Specifically, we stay on top of ever-changing insurance carriers’ reimbursement policies, ensuring that clients are properly and fairly compensated.

Medclaims Billing Services is a compliant medical billing services organization, as per OIG and HIPAA regulations, and a member of the American Medical Billing AssociationHealthcare Billing and Management AssociationMedical Associations of Billers and the Practice Managers Resource and Networking Community.

Medclaims’ aggressive investments in proven technological and human resources have yielded a robust business model, as well as medical billing process. The results are faster and accurate insurance payments, much improved cash flow, and outstanding customer service. Furthermore, overall efficiencies allow our medical billing services offering to be highly competitive resulting in additional value to clients, as compared to other organizations.

Leading Medical Billing service provider in San Luis Obispo