You no longer have to send us your Medicare claims on paper. We now accept both Medicare Part A and B claims electronically.

To save time:

  • Don’t send us a claim – Medicare pays its share first. In most cases, it then automatically forwards claims information and any remaining balance to us.
  • Look for the “MA18” or “N89” codes on your Medicare Explanation of Payment. That means Medicare automatically sent us your claim.
  • Check the status with our online Claim Status Inquiry transaction.
  • Make a note that Aetna is reviewing your claim:
    • Wait 30 days before billing us. Medicare carriers send claims every seven days, and we pay clean claims promptly; or
    • Create a paper claim if your system can’t suppress billing, but don’t mail it.
  • Follow up with us in 30 days, if needed.

For more information on Medicare crossover claims, visit our Coordination of Benefits (COB) page.


Aetna OfficeLink Updates
September 2012
Issue Number 3
Volume 9